***Matt has been recommended by both the Clark County Democrats and the Mainstream Republicans of Washington***
Other 2024 Endorsements:​​​
The Columbian (read Sept.18 endorsement here)
- "In Little, voters will find a knowledgeable candidate who has worked in Congress for both Democrats and Republicans. He currently is the director of public policy for Ducks Unlimited and director of the Salmon Watch Youth Education Program. His work gives him valuable insight for a county that is trying to balance growth against rural and environmental needs."
- "Little demonstrates a thoughtful and collaborative approach to governance. He has earned recommendations from Clark County Democrats, Mainstream Republicans of Washington, and individuals such as state Sen. Ann Rivers, Vancouver Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle and former Camas Mayor Nan Henriksen. That represents a broad swath of the political spectrum — a result of his pragmatic viewpoints."​
- (Columbian July 19 endorsement in the primary) "In Little, voters will find a knowledgeable candidate who has vast political experience... He demonstrates a strong understanding of land-use laws and policies, which will be essential to improving housing affordability and mitigating a rise in homelessness... he will listen to all sides of an issue before making a deliberate decision."​
Nan Henriksen, former Mayor of Camas:
"It is clear that Matt listens and values differing perspectives. We can count on him to provide equity in our community, while preserving our rural areas and strengthening our economy."
Vancouver Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle
Battle Ground Mayor Troy McCoy
Ridgefield Mayor Ron Onslow
Molly Coston, former Washougal Mayor
Senator Ann Rivers (R)
Tim Probst, former State Representative, 17th LD
Ty Stober, Vancouver City Council
Sarah Fox, Vancouver City Council
John Svilarich, Camas City Council
Aaron Lutz, Owner, Camas Lutz Hardware
Firefighters Local 452 - International Association of Firefighters
Marc Boldt, former County Councilor
Ian Coker, former Chair 18th Leg Dist (D)
John Spencer, Port of Camas-Washougal Commissioner and owner of Get To-Gather Farm LLC
Tiffany & Rusty Couch, business owners
Branden Trager, fishing guide - Adventures with Mayhem
Dion Hess, Ridgefield sportsman
Nello Picinich, Executive Director of CCA Washington
Amy Vesneske, Coalition of Clark County Equestrians
Angela Wilkinson, local teacher
17th Legislative District Democrats
Terry Wollam, realtor
Liz Hamilton, local angler representative
Edward Murray, Owner of Minuteman Press
Joshua Seeds, Chair of East County Fire and Rescue
Laborers' Local 335 (LiUNA - Laborers' International Union of North America)
Jim VanNatta, Hockinson Market Owner
Clark County LGBTQ Caucus
Didi Gray BSN/RN, local nurses representative
Ed Wickersham, flyfisher and retired USFWS Special Agent
Building Industry Group
Bob Hamlin, Skamania County Commissioner (former)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers IBEW Local 48
Paul Greenlee, Washougal City Council (former)
Glenn Lamb, local conservation leader
2020 Endorsements:​​
Marc Boldt, former Clark County Commissioner:
"Matt has a strong plan for the future of Clark County. Vote Matt Little for County Council."
IBEW Local 48: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Elson Strahan, former President - The Historic Trust & Clark College Foundation
Pat Guard, Owner Columbia Litho Inc.
Fire Captain Lee Etten
Marjorie Ledell
Tiffany Couch, Acuity Forensics
John Bishop, WSU Professor
Jack Burkman
Kent Mehrer
Paul Christensen, Realvest Corporation President
Jeff Fishburn
Ginger Nims, Amboy Hardware & General Store Owner
Waltons Farms, Jeff and Ferrol Walton
Brandon Sanders, Banner Bank
Jim VanNatta, Hockinson Market Owner
Al Bauer, former state senator
Russell Brent, Mill Creek Pub Owner
Holly Levow, business owner
Royce Pollard, former Mayor of Vancouver
Danna Baxter, SafeFire Shooting Range Owner
Dion Hess
Laurie Lebowsky, Vancouver City Council
Tim Probst, former state legislator
Tim Leavitt, former Mayor of Vancouver
Josh Kardon
Mike Dalesandro, former Mayor of Battle Ground
Amy Vesneske, Coalition of Clark County Equestrians
Jackie Phillips, Flume Creek Quarter Horses
Paul Speer
Mark Mantei
Martha Martin, Fire Commissioner - East County Fire & Rescue
Eric Holt
Amalgamated Transit Union 757, including C-TRAN workers
Green Willow Trucking, Inc.
Green Willow Ranch LLC
Didi Gray, ESN, RN
Judy Huntley, RN
Tom Alexander
Denis Hayes
John Warta